Smout Allen

Maya Whitfield Y5

Traces of the Past; Forming Tiberias Field School
Tiberias, a historic city founded in 19 AD, continues to exhibit traces of the past. However, the city now exists in a state of neglect and disrepair due to a complicated relationship with continued attempted modern developments.

Tiberias Field School addresses the re-activation of the site-specific basalt stone buildings. As these decaying structures continue to stand as material reminders of the past, this project advocates for the revival of basalt stone construction and restoration, exhibiting the importance of material recovery within the city. Additionally, the project proposes a new formed productive landscape, repairing the existing, while introducing modern details of space, establishing a hybrid landscape.

In proposing the question ‘What is the future of a historic city in decline?’, Trace of the Past seeks to implement a restoration, learning and research facility, alongside integrated accommodation for visiting students and tourist within the site. As such, a strategy for constructing a sustainable community is created, upon the ideals of an urban kibbutz movement, working towards a new degree of agency and improvement for longevity.

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